Dan Reed, MA, LPC

Dan Reed has over 22 years of experience in human and social services and has held both direct service and supervisory positions. Dan worked in residential treatment facilities in Illinois, Colorado and Iowa prior to joining the Community Mental Health system of for Central Michigan. There he initially oversaw a program for adjudicated youth before becoming Clinical Supervisor.
Dan supervises staff that provides Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Parent Management Training of Oregon, Brief Strategic Family Therapy, Parent Child Interaction Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model, Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment, Infant Mental Health, Home Base Therapy and Outpatient Therapy. His years at Community Mental Health have included considerable work with law enforcement, probation, courts, schools, social services and physical health providers. Dan sits on numerous committees and collaborative bodies.
Mr. Reed has completed the Motivational Interviewing Train the Trainer – Wyoming Protocol training initiative in the State of Michigan and is also a Member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers. He developed and implemented the most extensive Motivational Interviewing training program for a Community Mental Health entity in the State of Michigan. To date, Dan has trained over 300 agency staff in a three phase Motivational Interviewing training program. Over the past three years, he has also provided Motivational Interviewing: Core Skills training for the State of Michigan, Michigan Works, Disability Network, Law Enforcement, Probation, Court Personnel, Social Workers, Academic Advisors and Physical Health Practitioners.
Mr. Reed's training offers a mix of lecture, interactive exercises, personal examples, videos, breaks, answering questions and humor that makes for an enjoyable and highly educational experience.
He earned his undergraduate degree in Social Science at the University of Northern Iowa and his master’s in Counseling (LPC) from Central Michigan University.
Responses from past participants:
“It was effective to use a variety of learning styles (examples, by visual, audio and hands on learning experiences). “
“Speaker was knowledge & passionate about topic- training flew by!”
“Trainer modeled Motivational Interviewing.”
“There were many different opportunities to learn in many different ways. It wasn’t just lecture, there were multiple teaching strategies. The presenter was aware when breaks were necessary. The flow was conducive to learning. I really liked the interaction of the presenter; he made it feel safe and comfortable. He had great humor and showed actual concrete examples. Wonderful training!”.
* Program content and Faculty subject to change without notice